Nic's background in manufacturing operations means he looks at recruiting and retention through the lens of a better process. If you look at your recruiting like you look at your business operations processes, you'll find all sorts of gaps that can be fixed. Listen in on our conversation to pick up some tips on recruiting in the new era we live in.
Nic Gianino runs Metals Navigation, a consulting firm for metals-based manufacturers who want to improve efficiencies.
Justin Vajko (vay-koh) is a speaker and award-winning marketer who is passionate about connecting great employers to great employees. Justin has seen too many fantastic companies struggle to recruit efficiently. That's why he and his company Dialog help employers generate more job applications from qualified applicants by building their reputation online using video. Justin lives in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin with his wife and three kids in their first home where he’s on a steep learning curve wrangling non-working appliances and fixing leaky faucets. Have any tips for how to properly mud drywall? Let Justin know on LinkedIn.
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