For our ongoing retainers, you should be spending no more than 1 hour per week per person on helping us create your content. That’s about 4 hours per month. That’s a pretty good trade off to get an entire team of marketers to help you grow your employer brand.
Progressive employers who are tired of the old way. More and more businesses are finding out that their reputation matters and are investing in it through creative content and advertising. It's amazing what can happen with your hiring and retention when you start creating compelling online content.
First, you should realize just how expensive your lack of people is costing you now. Unfilled jobs are costing your company thousands of dollars every month. There is a real cost to your business. It's just not tracked on your P&L.
That being said, employer branding content is a new concept for most businesses. However, here some options to make this happen:
Unfortunately, no. This problem will stick around
until people start having more than 2.1 kids per household. This won’t happen again in our lifetimes. The only solution is for employers to get good at attracting talent -- sometimes most have never had to do before.
Many employers don’t market their products or services, let alone their jobs, so this all feels quite new and different. But these methods have been proven to work. And the nice thing is, we’ll make sure you understand as much as possible as we work together.
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